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Judas Hernández
he/they - march 2nd - unrestrained cajun on the internet
Click on the buttons to view my about, the bottom is just general legal stuff on what you can do with my art.

If you are gonna use my art in anything, please credit me. It's not that hard.I don't care if my art is reposted on platforms i do not use. just credit me.
Please refrain from posting on platforms I already use. An exception to this is videos on Youtube that had since been deleted.
All I ask is that you do not dig up stuff that I had regretted and moved on from, that doesn't make the situation any better. I disown anything I said or drawn during 2019 - 2022
I do not want my art used in any AI programs unless if explicitly stated otherwise. Using my art for anything NFT or blockchain based is strictly prohibited.


Hello. My name is Judas. I am an artist and animator who likes to draw anthropomorphic rodents in their free time. The main medium I work with is digital art, though occasionally I do traditional art aswell. I also do sewing and painting, but rarely.I love bright colors, Y2K aesthetics (especially scene and emo), jackalopes, human anatomy and physiology, old 2000's media, and basically anything I grew up with. Yeah, I'm stuck in the past.I also like violent or fucked up media, either it'd be dark media meant to tell a story or gore for the sake of gore. Don't care, love me some guts.
Because of this, a lot of that content is present in my art and animations, so I do not recommend people under 16 following me or any of that. You're not BANNED from liking my stuff if you're younger, just so you know I'm not here to babysit nor am I a censored person.

On the topic of messed up stuff in my art, I don't normally tag stuff or give a warning unless if it's gorey, sensitive, or just straight up disgusting. I'm not putting an elaborate trigger warning on, idk a picture of a chicken nugget, cause 0.001% of the population hates chicken real DNI list outside of the obvious, DNI lists are fucking pointless anyways and if I have to see one more "IF YOU LIKE THIS YOU ARE A BAD PERSON" post i'm gonna tear my hair out. If I don't like you, I'll just block.
I don't go on everyone's accounts i interact with to see if I have the 'privilege' to do so, so if I manage to fit on your oddly specific DNI list just block me and move on.
Also it's important to note that, while I don't do this often publicly (cause i know this kind of shit could get me doxxed if i'm not careful), I do say slurs that are part of groups I am in and I do like humor that is more raunchy and edgy. Please do not take any of that seriously, anything offensive I say isn't in earnist. Unless if it is, then you have every right to be upset at me.